Facebook Integration and the Magic that is WordPress

I finished the Facebook integration completely for the new wordpress version of rosenblath.ca  It seems to work great.   I added several plugins for the site to stop spam comments.  After trying a few different turing number plugins, I settled on wp-reCaptcha which seems to work great.  It forces people leaving comments to enter the numbers in the graphic, it also requires this for site registration.  I have a feeling this will put an end to the spammers posting advertising links on my comments.

I modifed how the wordpress site works so that permalinks are used instead of the default page id method.  This allows my old links from the previous blog site to continue to work so I don’t lose my search engine rankings.   This in conjunction with some magic redirection in the .htaccess file and everything is working great.  Old search results now go through to the new site and the old posts imported into the new site.  In addition to this I added some new menus to highlight authors etc.

This morning a friend of mine asked me if streaming video could be embedded in a wordpress site.

It took me about two hours but the end result was a resounding yes.

I used a plugin called “embedit” in conjunction with some code from the camera manufacturer to get it up and running.

The end result can be viewed  here: http://www.millerhouston.com/?page_id=7

This ends the work on my first Facebook application  (my website).  I’m working on a second but its proving to be very tricky to do what I want to do.  Stay tuned for more information on that app if I can get it to work.

In conclusion, if you’re looking to have a great blog site wordpress is the way to go in my opinion.



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