Hackintosh and Plex – Follow up

Well the Hackintosh project was a success.  I now have a working Hackintosh OSx86 10.5.7 running on a Dell Dimension E520.  I’ve had it running for about 3 weeks now and not one hiccup so far.  The system is very stable.  I’ve been able to use it to watch netflix etc.  Plex Media Centre is installed and I even have the remote loaded on my iphone so I can use my iphone to change channels/select media.

In addition to this I set the media centre up so I could stream the content to my iphone from anywhere.  Pretty Cool, but not for the beginner.

Took me about 20 hours in total and about 15 installs before I found the magic combination of version and boot loader and kernel extensions etc.

OSX86 Tools was a great find.  It allowed me to load kernel extensions and add things to the bootup etc.

I ended up using the Chameleon boot loader and once I figured out how to load the system using -v so I could see the errors that were causing it to lock up, I was able to diagnose and fix the bootup issues.

I had an HDMI video card that I wanted to use, but ended up going back to the DVI card that came with the dell (for kernel compatibility reasons) then buying a DVI to HDMI adapter and running the sound from the sound card. (Luckily my TV supported DVI with sound from PCM)

If I get a chance I’ll throw some pictures or video up here.



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