Thank you Melissa Mbarki for being the voice of reason

Finally in Print in a National Paper. This is the exact same argument many of us outspoken people of all political leanings been making, but for some reason when we say it, we are automatically racist because we have a different viewpoint. To all the young il-liberals that think your way is the only way and that if we disagree with your approach we are racist, I say “grow the hell up” and truly listen to what other people have to say for a change with an open mind instead of shouting and holding your breath like petulant children. It’s time for Gen-x-ers to make a stand. We may be eh-holes (the Canadian type) and maybe we don’t say sorry as much as the average canuck, and maybe our sense of humour can be twisted beyond belief and not politically correct ( but hey, so is Dave Chappelle’s dammit and he got rich off it), but make no mistake, we care more than you will ever understand about your freedom and the future we all leave behind. We were told by our grandparents what oppression was like. We were shown what it’s like when your loved ones die at the hands of facist regimes and have to leave their families for years in the name of freedom. We wept for the 6 million Jews that died in WWII (no thats not a web site addy…focus now). We wept for the Japanese Canadians held in concentration camps, (some of whom we know personally and have heard their stories), and the starving Cambodian children that Sally field brought to us on infomercials (some of us donated money every month even though we couldn’t really afford it to the causes like that and other causes like amnesty international. But we never talk about it because we don’t do it for ourselves we do it for others) and we watched our friends, relatives, and favourite musicians die in the aids epidemic. We have some inkling of what suffering is and we don’t like it either. Rant over. Keep scrolling…

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