So my current after hours project is building a Hackintosh. For those that haven’t heard, that’s a hacked MAC OSX that will run on regular X86 (PC) hardware. IF you want to read more about this, check out Insanely Mac
I’m using a version called ideneb v1.5.1. I tried 1.4 but had a lot of issues, so I thought I’d try a new version. I’m using my Dell Dimension E520 for the hardware with a sata 80 GB drive that I had from a Dell GX280. I had windoze on my original drive that came with the Dell Dimension, so I didn’t want to loose all my stuff, pictures etc.
Once I get the Hackintosh going, I’m hoping to load the plex media server on it and replace my cable. If you want to learn more about Plex, check out Apparently they recently made a deal with LG to include their media centre client on TV’s and Mobile devices.
I’ll keep you posted on how it goes. If you’re reading this and have done this before and want to give me advice, feel free to email me or post a comment on my site, all input is welcome.