This is what got me interested in computers. That enthusiasm you can see in Steve’s face and hear in his voice. That is what a passion for something is all about. So after watching this, tell me Aston Kutcher isn’t a perfect choice to play Steve….who’s playing Woz? is my question. I’m gonna have to check that movie out I think.
We couldn’t afford an apple II C kit back then, so I had to get a commodore vic 20 (a couple years later), but that was the best 50 bucks I ever spent. (earned it cutting lawns with Manson Slik for the summer.) I tried to tell my parents what I was buying, but they didn’t really get it and one of my Dad’s Friends who had his own company and was pretty successful said to me…”This computer thing is just a FAD, it’ll never stick.” …I told him I thought he was wrong and he should pull his head out of his ass and that if I had money like him I’d buy stock in Apple and Microsoft. Coming from a 12 year old…that didn’t go over very well. (but in the back of my mind an adult was telling me this and he was successful so I doubted myself even thought every fibre of my being told me I was right)
I Learned BASIC within 3 months and in 6 Months was addressing the motors in the tape cassette drive that acted as storage but utilized regular tape cassettes….burned them out mind you….so I didn’t have any data storage until 1988 and that was only 1.44 MB….Think of the change just in the last 30 years…
The moral of my story you ask?…Instead of buying the commodore vic 20, I should have invested the 50 bucks into Apple and Microsoft, but I didn’t because someone who was older and wiser than me and was a successful (arguably, he ended up in Jail) entrepreneur put down my enthusiasm. Don’t squash your children’s dreams or enthusiasm and don’t push the creativeness to the back ground and favour practicality….let them dream and let them make mistakes….Let them be reckless and crazy and take risks…that’s what being young is all about…That’s what life is all about…