There are landowners all over ontario that purchase homes and tenants refuse to leave and they can’t do anything since the Landlord Tennant Board takes forever and Tenants rights are always favoured. In some cases this has caused the purchasers to lose everything while the government stands by and lawyers claim rights for the Tennant who stops paying rent and still refuses to vacate. Hopefully the McCormack’s can turn this around on the government for once by just refusing to vacate, and getting good legal counsel to put a hold on the lease termination pending the appeal.
In a case like this where the occupants are basing their livelihood on having the locations, not to mention doing a lot maintenance that the government was supposed to do but doesn’t, I would hope any civil rights lawyer worth a grain of salt would be able to fight this on that let alone on the basis of previous agreements made by the federal government.
Welcome to the new order of government over reach and meddling even more in people’s lives. Our rights continue to be eroded in the guise of good intentions. Woke facist beliefs frome group who feel that the government has the right to tell us what to think and how to feel. They’re in our homes and lives and in our wallets and they haven’t the right.
Less government means less taxes and less intrusion. All we can do is to start voting to reduce government control and look at other parties that stand for individual rights rather than government control. They exist, but so many people simply ignore what’s going on and do nothing. The ones who get voted in stop working for the voters and begin campaigns to stay in power instead. The cycle just seems to keep repeating itself.
“Liberal governments always seem to develop into aristocracies. The bureaucracies betray the true intent of people who form such governments. Right from the first, the little people who formed the governments which promised to equalize the social burdens find themselves suddenly in the hands of bureaucratic aristocracies.”
God Emperor of Dune – Frank Herbert
I hope the McCormicks are successful fighting their government eviction. It would nice to see a win for the people for a change.