Just Saw “The Social Network”

I went to a computer conference about virtualization today at a Silver City Cinema and after a 2 hour seminar we got to see a private screening of “The Social Network” before it’s released to the public.
How Cool is that?
It was a great movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it and what I liked most is that it makes you feel like if you have ideas and you make the right moves, you can succeed. For me this is the most important message you can take from this movie. If you have an idea, a dream, etc. Follow it! go for it! Find the right people to help you and do it! When you get the right people to help you, the sky’s the limit!
So thanks to the magic of Mark Zuckerberg, this blog post is flowing from my blog on Rosenblath.ca to FACEBOOK. Ironic really. I’m writing a blog about something and that something is taking the blog about itself and pulling it in for distribution to people I know. Ah the magic of RSS. Thanks Mark and Eduardo, you guys Rock!

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